
Engagement Ring Trends of 2018 and Beyond

Trends are changing all the time, not only in clothing and fashion but engagement rings and other jewellery as well. What’s more, Jewellery Perth tell us that they change so quickly that by the time you think you’ve finally got a handle on what’s “hot”, there’s something new to check out instead. However, engagement ring trends are something worth keeping an eye on, for they can be the difference between your bride-to-be loving her engagement ring or preferring something different.

If the time has come to select one for your significant personalised gift, take note of these new engagement rings of 2018 and beyond.

Double Bands

Is one engagement ring band not enough to satisfy your craving for style? Then, how about two? A new trend of 2018 which is set to take off in the years to come is double-banded engagement rings. Rather than feature one band with a diamond, there are two that interweave into each other before joining at the stone.

While it may look complicated, it ties in with the layering trends we’ve seen of late. What’s more, because it doesn’t create any extra work or effort to include a stone into two bands, it’s an idea that’s beginning to take off.

Baguette Style

In the early 1920s, the Art Deco era revolutionised the world – particularly during the Exposition of Decorative Arts in Paris in 1925. Wanting to relive that spectacular era, more and more brides-to-be are opting for Baguette diamonds. They offer exceptional clarity and clean lines, all the while being step cut with a rectangular shape. A Baguette style ring has so much vintage appeal yet is timeless at the same time.



Drug Rehab Centres

These days, an important part of our community is a drug rehab centre. It can symbolise our resolve to beat addiction and the pain and torment that it brings. Hard work and perseverance will get you through. Drug abuse equates to pain and torment, and also leads to a rather unhappy life. Don’t let drug abuse get the better of you. Make every effort to rise above addiction and be the person society expects you to be.

The life we have now is not a rehearsal. There are no second chances so we must always strive to do our best, and be as good as we possibly can.

Face your challenges head on now. Drugs only deaden your sorrow and delay your pain. Drugs will not solve any of your problems. Quite the opposite, as drug abuse will mean difficulties in financial, spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological aspects of your life. A rehab centre can help you to end your addiction.

Fight Drug Abuse with the Help of a Rehab Centre

Unfortunately the use of drugs is common amongst our youth. In a rehab centre you will be introduced to people who are going through the same problems as you. You don’t need to fight this on your own. Your fight against drug abuse will be with the help of people who understand what is happening and they will go that extra mile with you to make sure you quit. As a bonus, you make friends with and meet a lot of interesting people. These people will not judge you. You can say that you are in safe hands when you are in a drug rehab centre.



Weddings – 3 Reasons Why you Should Choose Personalised Gifts

When it comes to the bridal party, the groomsmen, and your guests, you want to make them feel welcome and important. While the wedding is all about the bride and groom, and rightly so, it’s also about those with which you’re willing to share your most special occasion. Therefore, when it comes to providing gifts for those close to you, such as bridesmaid robes and dinner table gestures, you want to make sure they mean something.

A gesture of thank you can mean so much more, so we’ve included three reasons why you should choose personalised gifts below.

They’re more personal

It goes without saying – a personalised gift is more personal. When you’re looking for gifts for your bridesmaids and groomsmen, it’s always a nice idea to opt for items that will continue to hold significance, and will never be thrown away. In the case of bridesmaids, a bridesmaid robe with their name embroidered on it will always be cherished. For groomsmen, a custom labelled bottle of spirits is sure to be appreciated as well.



4 Different Types of Liposuction Procedures

Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that removes fat, but is not done to help people lose weight. While weight loss does happen, it is only a side effect of the body contouring.  There are different types of liposuction and which one you have may depend on where the treatment is going to be done and how much is needed.

In fact, there are 4 different kinds of liposuction, but all offer the same end result, which is a body that does not have so many lumps and bumps on it.

  • Tumescent liposuction. This is considered the gold standard of all types, perhaps because it is the most used and safest. In tumescent liposuction a micro cannula is used to apply tumescent anaesthetic to the treatment areas. This helps to break down the fat and stop bleeding so the fat cells can more easily be sucked out. The results are very pleasing and can be repeated if necessary without any harm.



What to Expect When Getting Dentures

No one likes the thought of getting dentures, but if your teeth are missing you won’t be able to chew food properly and can get indigestion or even malnutrition. Besides, most people enjoy eating and if you can’t do it properly it can impact your enjoyment of life and even social interaction.

Probably the worst thing about going to the dentist and getting dentures is the thought of having your teeth out. But this may have happened gradually over the years and you may not need to have any more out. In this case, you’ll be getting a part plate to replace those that are missing. If you do need to have some out, it won’t be any worse than you’ve had before.

The dentist will fit you for a temporary plate so that you won’t be left without an attractive smile, but can pop it in as soon as the gums are healed enough.  This temporary plate may be used for up to 12 months to allow all the swelling to go down and the mouth and gums to adjust to their new normal. Once this has happened, you’ll be fitted for a new, permanent plate.



How to Cope as a Carer

There are many carers in the world, from nurses and mothers to those who dedicate their whole life to caring for a loved one who has been injured in an accident or who suffers from some form of dementia. Caring for others is the kind of work that is high in satisfaction, but even so, carers need to take care of themselves as well, because the job is emotionally and often physically demanding.

Very often, we see tragic circumstances where the carer gave their all – basically their life – for their loved one and died first, leaving the person they cared for without any support. In the case of a retarded child, this can have a terrible effect on them. Their carer insisted on doing all for the child for many years, thinking that such independence was a good thing.

In reality, it simply made their child depend on them completely so that once they were gone, not having them was a bigger emotional shock than it should have been. So the first thing every carer should know is this; they need to have a good support network to help them and the person they care for.

Even when the work of caring is relatively easy – you may not have to lift them in and out of bed, for instance, it is still essential to take care of yourself. Being a carer can be emotionally stressful, especially when you see a loved one’s mind being stolen by dementia. Such stress can cause you to become physically ill so that you simply can’t care for your loved one they way you want to. So here are some tips on caring for yourself when you are a carer:


Fitness, Health

5 Benefits of a Good Posture

These days we rarely hear Grandma – or anyone else – telling us to sit up straight like they might have done years ago. And with the increasingly sedentary work and lifestyle most of us are living, bad posture seems to affect most of us. However, good posture certainly contributes to healthy living and here’s how.

  • Good posture helps you to breathe properly. This ensures a good supply of oxygen in the body. Try inhaling deeply while slouching, then sit up straight and inhale. You’ll easily notice that the latter allows you to inhale much more deeply.  When you have enough oxygen in your bloodstream you are much healthier.
  • It helps your brain to function properly with better concentration and clarity of thought. Studies show that the brain needs 20% oxygen to perform optimally.
  • Good posture improves your image. People look at you and think you are attractive, alert and healthy. When you see a person who constantly slouches, you’ll wonder if they are sick, in pain or feeling emotionally stressed.



What Happens During IPL Skin Rejuvenation Procedures?

We all like to know ahead of time what is going to happen to us, especially when a new procedure has been scheduled that we have never had before. Knowing ahead of time allows our minds time to process the steps and we don’t feel nearly as nervous. If you don’t know what to expect you can often feel quite stressed out, even with something as simple as IPL Skin Rejuvenation.

So here is a brief rundown of what to expect when you go for your first IPL skin rejuvenation procedure. But firstly, it is essential to choose a reputable practitioner who has been fully trained and is highly experienced with many happy patients. This may be a simple treatment but it is still a medical procedure and should be treated as such. Letting just anyone do it can cause a whole host of problems.

When you choose the doctor and discuss your needs with them they will advise you on the best skin care treatment for your type of skin. IPL Skin Rejuvenation is not suitable for every skin type. However, once you get the go ahead and make that appointment, here is what you can expect to happen.


Health, Lifestyle

Health Benefits of Sunshine

If you see a child with very pale skin you will probably think they are healthy because their mother has been very careful to slap on the sunscreen and only allow them outside in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is not so hot. However, you would be wrong.

People who don’t get enough sun on their skin can be very unhealthy. The main way we get Vitamin D is by the action of the sun on our skin. Vitamin D is important in itself, but it is also necessary as an aid to absorbing calcium which makes bones and teeth strong and healthy. This is even more important for children, whose bodies are still growing.

There are many other health benefits of sunshine on the skin: –


Beauty, Health

How to Have Happy Hands

Most women spend time caring for their facial skin, but often neglect their hands to a great extent. Even having decorated or polished nails won’t cover up hands that are wrinkled and old looking. And since the state of our hands can give away our age to some extent, anyone who wants to look younger should give their hands some TLC.

Here are some tips to keep your hands happy

  • Wear cotton gloves outside if you are working in the garden or mowing.
  • Wear rubber gloves while washing up and when using harsh chemicals for cleaning.
  • Don’t put your hands in really hot or icy cold water as this will turn them red and the hot water will take all the natural oils out of them.
  • Wear sunscreen on the backs of your hands – and lower arms – when driving for long periods. Don’t put it on your palms as it can make your hands slippery. You can also wear fingerless gloves while driving to protect your hands from sun damage.
